I give honor to You, my Lord
You have taken all my foes
And given me victory.
Blessed is Your name.
Jesus Christ, Son of God
Emmanuel, God with us.
Psalm 12
The eyes of God is mercy
His mercy never dies
He forgives every breath of yours
He changes the eyes of lust to love
He moves the hardest heart of rock
Into His divine nature.
All we need is His touch
But one touch from Him
Can change mud into crystal-clear water.
He purifies the thoughts of every son and daughter
Into His perfect image.
He will draw closer to you
Each time you call His name
Indeed He is ever living with you.
Touch His heart
Taste His grace
He is willing.
Welcome Him into your heart
It is the greatest offering you give God
Who has done so much for you.
Psalm 13
I will sing a song of love
I will sing a song of praise
For my Lord
For my King.
Yesterday I was lost
Yesterday I was weak
O….my God
O….my Lord
Today my Lord has come
To give me life and hope
Tomorrow my day is bright
And full of grace and mercy
Psalm 14
Blessed Savior, Son of God
Lord Jesus Christ…..
You are the bridge to God
You came into this world
To reconcile man with God.
You are like the waters
Which runs very deep into our hearts
Like the rock
Standing ever faithful.
You brought us together
And purchased us with Your precious blood
You gave us keys to heaven
The one and only way
Never dying
Ever true.
Psalm 15
My Lord
I marveled at the works of Your hands
The smallest touch of Yours
Is the greatest of all
You are a compassionate God
Hearing all my prayers
You give me great release
You are a living God
Who lives within me
Counseling me at all times
You speak words of truth
Which give me great strength
Your grace and mercy
I seek each day.
Psalm 16
The sinners who by faith
Received the Lord Jesus Christ
Have the real privilege
To worship the Lord
With all their hearts
For they will know
What it is to be forgiven
Washed by His blood
And to be accepted in His kingdom.
The angels of heaven will not experience
What it is to be redeemed
Only the sinners will experience
Only the sinners will know the true meaning
And only the sinners will understand
The joy of salvation
For they are not worthy to deserve
Yet have been made worthy to deserve
And inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.
Psalm 17
My merciful King
Where will I go to find refuge
If You are not with me
You are my only hope
Putting all Your words in my heart
I look forward each day with great faith
My Prince of Peace….
You are the peace of my heart
When I feel betrayed
You are always with me
Each time I fall
I have You to hold on
You speak the word of comfort
O….my Savior, what would I do without You
I am alive today because of Your Spirit.
You are my foundation and fountain of life.
Psalm 18
I will stand firm
With the belt of truth
With the breastplate of righteousness
With my feet fitted with readiness
With the shield of faith
With the helmet of salvation
With the sword of the spirit
I will pray at all times
When I put on the armor of God
I am the greatest army of God!
Psalm 19
Children have friends
And their friends are all children
Teenagers have friends
And their friends are mainly teenagers
Adults have friends
And their friends are mostly adults
All of us have a friend
May you be a child, teenager or an adult
We have a friend who is closer beyond measure
He is Jesus
He is a friend to all
When we have Jesus as a Friend
We have all.
Psalm 20
My hands are weak
Your hands are mighty
My voice is faint
Your voice is clear
My thoughts are swallow
Your thoughts are wisdom
Though I am poor yet I am rich
Though I am weak yet I am strong
Though I am persecuted yet I will rejoice
Though I am not perfect yet I am made perfect
Lord, You have given me in abundance
I cannot ask for more
For You my Lord are mighty and great.
Psalm 21
I will proclaim the goodness of our Lord
He is the one and only Savior for all mankind
When Jesus lives in you
Forget not all His goodness
Give generously to others
And share the Lord’s mercy with them.
My Savior is my Captain
I will sail in full confidence
My trust is in Him
I shall not be afraid
You trust Him too.
Psalm 22
Precious Jesus, Son of God
You came down from Your throne
To save the sons of man
You are Son of God
The King of all creation
You made Yourself humble before Your servants
You can command the angels
Even the demons will obey
Yet my Lord
Your kindness and gentleness is amazing
When You intervene in our life
You change every immorality to purity
You give confidence for the confused mind
You pour out joy to the troubled heart
You heal every soul and give us a gift
Of eternal life.
Psalm 23
Lord…., when I survey the earth
There is only filth
There is no righteousness
Only the ones who received your Holy Spirit
Walks in the right path
Even then, some are having standards
Lord…, who can be like you apart from you my King?
You show no favoritism
No colors, language or appearance you look for
But only pure hearts.
Help me Lord
To see things in your eyes
Help me my Savior
So that I will not sin against You
Lord….I only have You
And if You were to turn away from me
I will surely perish
Thank You, my Lord
For prayer petitions which You answered “No”
For surely I can see it was for my good
And I realized
Thank You my Jesus
Surely I love You, my King
My only Savior….Jesus.
Psalm 24
Jesus….You are my only comfort
In times of joy, in times of trial
It is because You are with me
I am confident to see the future.
Though my sisters were to hurt me
My brothers were to accuse me
Or my friends were to condemn me
I am still strong because….
You see me with eyes of love
Your love alone heals me
How can I be more thankful?
Lord, may my voice be pleasing to Your ears
May my body dance in rhythm to Your Spirit
My Lord….I offer my life to You
Let Your will be done.
If I am wrong
Teach me and guide me to be
In obedience to Your commands.
I can do all things in Christ
Who strengthens me.
Psalm 25
My dear Lord….
I know Your love for me is in abundance
You love me so dearly
A love as strong as death
Willing to give me Your life
So that I will live….
Lord….as I received Your love
Please receive my love for You
My dear God….
I know I am not perfect
I am not righteous enough
I am not pure enough
I am not knowledgeable enough
I lack so much wisdom
Yet….my dear God….I love You
Accept my love, my Lord.
Psalm 26
A cancer patient goes for therapy
When a patient is having therapy
He suffers in pain to get cured
The tubes and injections
Penetrating his weak body
Only for his benefit….
Sinners are like a cancer patient
We need therapy from God
When God does His therapy on us
We have to suffer in pain
Just like the cancer patient
God will discipline all His children
Who come for therapy
During the process it seems bitter
But the fruit is sweet.
My dear Lord, I am like the cancer patient
I need therapy from You, my God
Touch me and mold me, my Lord
So that I can face You
With a clean body, heart and soul.
Psalm 27
I am nothing but a breath of God
I am a tenant in the body
This body belongs to God.
Just like an owner
Who rents out his house
And my owner is God
In the house there are many rooms
So is the body which has many parts
The tenant has to keep his house clean and tidy
As a tenant, I have to keep my body clean too
Most importantly my heart and mind
Just like a tenant who makes sure “No pest”
So I will clean my heart and mind
Rejecting every immorality
Accepting only purity.
May my body be pleasing
For the Spirit of God to occupy.
Psalm 28
I will say, “Yes…Yes…Yes”
To my King, my blessed Savior and Redeemer
He is the one and only glorious High Priest
He is the wondrous Prince of Peace
He is forever and ever true
His love for me never changes
He gives me brand new love every day
He baptizes me with His Holy Spirit
He allows the fire in me to burn to greater heights
His comfort and shelter I will seek forever.
Each time I break down
Fall on my knees and cry
Abba Father please help me….
He comes quickly to my rescue
He listens to all my words with passion
Every tear drop of mine is like His blood
He embraces me and tells me
“Don’t be afraid, I am with you.
I will go ahead of you, stand close to me.”
When everything around me turns into darkness
You are my light
You light up my life with
Your joy, peace and love
Where no treasure can compare.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
How I love You
Your love never dies
You are ever living in me.
Psalm 29
God my Savior….
In Your perfect ways, You created everything
And n Your strong hands, You are able to change everything
My humble thoughts desire all Your ways
Yet sometimes I don’t understand Your ways, but
I believe You have a reason for everything
Lord….You can change the chief of sinners
Into Your perfect image
By Your touch You can make the blind to see
The deaf can hear Your voice
A leper is made completely clean
You even make a donkey to speak
Yet my Lord, at times my heart fails to understand
Your perfect ways in trying since
Sometimes in my eyes, Your perfect ways are sorrowful
Yet my Lord, not my disturbed thoughts
But Your will be done.
Give me strength to day to digest all
Your perfect ways
Even how perfect they are
Thus I pray….
Psalm 30
Lord….how is it that Your love for us
Is everlasting, ever true, and ever the same?
Your divine love I desire to embrace
Truly….Lord….You are a wonderful majestic God
Who can compare to Your wisdom and grace?
Your wisdom, power and mercy
I will forever praise.
My Lord….
I long for Your return
All the signs are already taking their place
And the “End” is yet to come?
Come Lord Jesus
The nation is waiting eagerly.
Let the sky part into two
To welcome our King.
Psalm 31
When you are in a dense forest
When you can’t see anything ahead of you
When you are not sure of your steps
You should have a “torch” with you.
When my life is only darkness
Though seeing yet I cannot see
And I am unsure of my way
I will call on the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit, my sweet Holy Spirit
You are like a torch in my pocket
You are always in my heart
Waiting for me to call on You
You are ever faithful
Thank You, Holy Spirit
You are my Torch.
Psalm 32
God created man and woman
God also created many different kinds of men and women
In looks, in color, in speech, in behavior
In character, in attitude….
God created everyone so very special
With their very own identity
You cam be white, brown, yellow or black
Our blood, though in different groups,
Yet it is RED
Our bones are WHITE.
Deep within us everything is the same
Therefore God sees us all the same
It is you who see God differently.
There is only one God, one Father, for all
And that God is….
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Psalm 33
The grace and mercy of God
Through His Son, Jesus Christ
Is like a scholarship
Where a student
Not by his excellent results only
But through a scholarship
Enters the varsity.
We need the grace and mercy of God
To enter God’s kingdom
So that not through our righteousness or
Good works, but through this glorious grace
And mercy for us, though a sinner.
Jesus Christ, Son of God
My Lord and Savior
No words can ever be enough
Your love is beyond description
Only tears of love will I cry
To talk about your passion.
Psalm 34
Magnificent Lord
Your name, Jesus Christ,
Gives my heart greatest joy
You are a God who is in control of every situation
You parted the seas
You gave manna from heaven
You brought waters from the rock
You showed mercy and love to all who call on Your name.
I am indeed a blessed creation of my Lord
You gave me such privilege to be able
To have holy communion with You.
My hands are dirty
My legs were in the mud
My body was full of stains
With all undivided attention
You washed me with Your blood
You made me clean
And You brought me to Your kingdom.
You are my Father, my Mother, my Brother,
My Sister, my Friend, and my precious God.
Psalm 35
I am a humble servant
In the house of the Lord
My master, Jesus,
Reigns forever on His glorified throne
Under my master’s feet
I will always be
My master has captured my heart
He poured out His holy passion
And renews my spirit and strength every day
It is sealed for Him alone.
Master, Master….
Will I call
Just to mention
How much I adore You
You are my master
So gentle and waiting for our praises
I lift up high the name of my master.
I am so very proud You are my master
Lord Jesus Christ
Reigns forever
All glory, honor and power
Belongs only to my master, Lord Jesus Christ.
Psalm 36
My dear God….
Your heart’s desire is to see all nations turn to You
You sent down Your Son Jesus Christ
Who bore on His shoulders the sins of the world
Your Son, in obedience to His Father in heaven
Made Himself humble and was tested and tempted
In every manner
And He resisted the devil….Hallelujah!
Jesus, Son of God
You alone know what it is like to be a man
For You, God, came as a man
And defeated all foes.
My dear Lord, this day I pray
That I will have Your holy passion
Increased in me each day for the lost
Let me too….be a vessel to
Carry out Your heart’s desire.
Psalm 37
Though seeing, they do not see
Though hearing, they do not hear or understand
Those are the words of my Lord Jesus Christ
My Lord who holds my future
Who is in control of every situation
My Savior who walks in the storms of my life
When I am struggling on a rough sea
Yet my Redeemer walks calmly on it
No storms are storms for Him
He is my blessed Savior
Lord, let me not be though seeing yet not seeing
Though hearing yet do not understand
Speak to me, my Lord, by the power of the Holy Spirit
Let me be able to hear Your comforting voice
Let me be able to see Your direction
“Not that way, here, follow this way”
Let me ever be pleasing in Your eyes.
Psalm 38
I do not wish to remember
Who I was yesterday
For yesterday was a day of stress
I do not wish to know
What is tomorrow
For no one knows what is tomorrow
But….one thing I wish is
To have Jesus today
When Jesus is with me today
I can face a thousand tomorrows
I am a brand new creature every day
Growing strong in the Lord
Lord….I praise You today
My body, soul and spirit will forever
Speak of the goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ
Lord….please give me the strength I need today.
Psalm 39
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord
Plans to prosper you and not to harm you
Plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jer. 29:11)
My Lord, I hold onto Your Word
For I know You are a God
Who is faithful in all of Your ways
You are a mighty warrior
Through the blood of Jesus
Victoriously I will stand
In the highest place.
The Lord reigns
Let the earth rejoice
Let the people be glad
That our God reigns.
Psalm 40
An old proverb states:
“Not all that glitters is gold.”
In the same manner
Not all spirits are spirits of God
There is only one true Spirit
That is, the Holy Spirit
Just like the gold
Which never fades its glitter
In every situation He remains pure gold.
That is how the Holy Spirit is
He will always stay on till the end
The Holy Spirit can do marvelous tasks
Which no eyes can see
Yet his Holy presence is always felt everywhere.
Psalm 41
My precious Jesus, Son of God
I glorify Your name with all my heart
I sing praises to you, Jehovah Jireh
Your mercy and kindness is above all
You are a God who takes pleasure
In pouring out Your Spirit upon all flesh
Your presence, I love to embrace
One word from my King
Will turn many sons and daughters to glory.
Hail Jesus, my Lord
I will always be your servant
My heart takes pleasure
In obeying Your words and commands
My dear Lord, please help me
So that I can help others
Who are more needy than I am
Let me be able to
Feed the hungry and
Clothe the naked.
Let me be a good Samaritan
To carry out the will of my Father.
Psalm 42
Are you persecuted in the name of our Lord?
The heart of the righteous shall cry
For the heart of the lost
To hold on close to You
Is our heart’s desire
The voice of rebellion will say
“If trials is what we have to face
Then why should we be closer to You?”
They fail to acknowledge
That when Jesus is the King of our hearts
What are these trials and persecutions?
My king has gone beyond all sufferings
Just to crown us in glory.
Your downfall is for our repentance
Your resurrection has defeated all chaos
How wondrous and glorious is the anointing
I shout in grace
Heaven and earth will pass
But your Word will last forever.
Psalm 43
All the treasures of this world
Can never be measured with the love of God
I am a humble servant on earth
And I may not have
All the splendors of this world
I don’t have anything precious in this earth
I may not boast in anything
But I will boast when it comes to give glory to my King and Lord.
No one can share that honor
It reserved for my Lord in heaven
Jesus, sweet Jesus
What have I got to give You
For the gift of life given to a wretch like me?
Lord, in the Calvary cross
I see Your wondrous love for me.
Psalm 44
My ever-faithful Savior, Lord Jesus Christ
From deep within my heart
I want to thank You all my life
For what You have done for me
In the past, present and the days to come.
Even before I came into this world
You have put a shield over me.
When I was a child in this lonely world
You saw my agony.
You came to me with great passion
You have spoken words of love
Deep within my soul and spirit.
I am an adult now
And in every way
You have rescued me
At all times….yes, at all times
When I called You
You were ever faithful to come to my aid.
No words could ever be able
To express my appreciation for You.
You are simply wonderful, my great God.
Psalm 45
Eternal triune God
In Your Word I will meditate
Living in obedience according to
Your holy Scripture is my daily food
For my spirit and soul
In Your commandments I find solace.
Day and night
I will call upon my God
He will hear the voice of his humble servant
In Your presence
I have complete strength and peace.
In my thoughts
Let me erase all fears
For fears are not from my God
Let me show love abundantly
Love for others
Just the way You do towards me.
Psalm 46
Lord Jesus, my sweet Redeemer
When I was so far away
From the Light of this world
I was ignorant in everything.
Jesus, when Your light came upon
Then I realized what a pitiful wretch I was.
From darkness You brought me to brightness
You made me see many things.
You washed me with Your Spirit
You poured out Your Spirit upon me
I was lost and an orphan
In Your mercy and grace
You found me and adopted me
You crown my head and call me daughter
How gifted I am to call You
Abba, Father!
Psalm 47
God, in Your mercy
You pour out Your Spirit
All of Your ways are perfect
And in Your perfect ways
You call us when You will
Men can do many things
But, without Your grace,
They totally fail.
When we do Your will
Then all our work
Will turn out to be a blessing.
Lord, not our will
But Your will be done.
Psalm 48
The Spirit of God is with me
Therefore I will go in peace
Whatever I do will prosper
For the Lord has put a shield around me.
He has given me the sword of the Spirit
To hinder the enemy’s plans against me.
I am living today
For the Spirit of God is with me.
If I were to die tomorrow
Then I will be with God
For it is His will
To take me with Him.
Glory be to God.
Psalm 49
The God of comfort
Shall be with me
At my weakest moment
He will not despise me
For what and who I am
He knows my anxious heart and thoughts
After all, He created me in His image.
He washes all my iniquity
And forgives all my transgressions
He walks with me in my daily life
He speaks the Word of faith
The living word
Which gives me life.
Psalm 50
God created men in His image
Yet in men there are so many ways
But all our ways are not Your ways, my God.
My God, if I am created in Your image
Then, I should walk in Your ways
Grant me Your grace
So that I will live a life so worthy of You.
Let it be, my dear God
According to Your mercy upon my life
That I will follow all Your commands
And not sin against your Words.
Grant me Your blessing
So that I can draw closer to You.
Psalm 51
In God’s eyes everything is seen differently
He sees everything in His perfect eyes
In my eyes I see God
In His great hands He created us
He loved us and showed mercy upon us
Yet, He too needs our love
He wants us to love Him,
Walk with Him, talk with Him
He wants to listen to our voice
He wants us to spend time with Him
He is longing for all His children
He spreads open His arms
And calls, “Will you come today?
Can you hear My voice?
Can you see Me, my children?”
Lord, my Savior, I see You today
I want to talk with You
I want to walk with You
I want to give You my love
I want to spend precious time with You.
In deed, I love to love You, talk with You,
Walk with You, spend time with You
Every day of my life.
Psalm 52
I have total faith and confidence
In my Redeemer, Lord Jesus Christ
Who gave His life as a ransom for many.
I have known what my Savior has done for the world
I have experienced His love in my life
I know His future plans for the entire world
Whoever calls His name
Truly they will be saved!
I will hold onto His promises
For He has spoken
“I will not leave you nor forsake you.”
In Christ I arise.
Psalm 53
Just like the roots of trees
Which thrust down for water
So is my soul
I thirst for the Spirit of God
Spirit of God
You are like the water
Which flows to all my system
Without You I would collapse.
Day in and day out
I call upon You
Hear me o sweet Spirit
In Your mighty hands
I surrender all.
One thing I ask of You, my God
May it be in Your mercy and will
That my name
Will be in Your Book of Life.
Psalm 54
I can go anywhere
I can do anything
I can have everything
Yet, when I can’t have Jesus for a moment
Surely I am a sinking ship.
Lord, I was once a lost sheep
But my Shepherd has come
To give me light in this lost world
Everyday I can feel Your touch
You are so very dear to my heart!
There are times I am wrong
Please forgive me, my Lord
Give me Your grace
So that I’ll have enough wisdom
In all the days to come.
Psalm 55
I can be totally in distress
My thoughts are accusing me
Owing to my failures
When I have no where to turn to
I have sin within myself
And when I don’t know what to do
I will call upon You, Lord Jesus
Only You can give me the deliverance I need.
Lord, at times my request us too much
But, my Savior, I have no other way to escape
Except to trust in You, I pray
Deliver me from my immediate trouble
And please forgive me, my Lord.
Let it be in Your will, my Jesus
You are a merciful God
I put my faith in You
Thank You, Jesus, for Your deliverance.
Psalm 56
Though I am in the midst of trouble
The days ahead of me are not certain
Though I can’t see the path
And my footsteps are not firm
Though I lack wisdom
To find a solution
I will still hold on
Onto the promise of the Lord.
Lord, You said,
“Take My yoke, My yoke is easy
And My burden is light.”
Lord, I believe You have mercy upon me
I will not fear, for my Lord will come to my rescue.
Psalm 57
My Jesus, My Shepherd
You are the rhythm of my life
You are like the stars in the sky
Ever-shining brightly in my heart
You are like the mist in the atmosphere
Ever-soothing to my soul
You are like a spiral
Ever leading me higher
You never allow me to look back
You always show me the direction
In You I built my confidence
I will praise His holy name
Till the day He comes to take me with Him.
Psalm 58
Who can ever reject the offer
Of our Lord, Jesus Christ?
His mercy flows from
The Calvary cross.
Who has eve given
That much love for a friend?
Through His dying breath
He gave us life.
If only you can understand
The love of my Savior
You will have tears of blood
And a repentant heart.
O – all you nations of the world!
Why can’t you receive the mercy of
Our Lord who gives supremely for us.
When will you ever open the door of your heart?
Not until He comes
As King?
Psalm 59
Lord Jesus, my love
I wonder how I could have been so far away from You
When You loved me even before I knew You
Your name alone
Gives me complete joy
Just praising You
Gives me greatest peace
How much I adore You
Even my heart sometimes doesn’t know it
Only deep within my spirit
I realize I truly love my Savior
How I marvel at Your compassion
I know, my Lord
Sometimes You can see how ignorant I am
When I am in a struggle
I tend to forget that You are with me
Yet, You always speak to me
At the right time
As for today, Your Spirit ministered to me
“Why do you worry about others?
Remember, I am always for you in whatever situation you are.
I love you just the way you are.
I always see you as My beautiful bride.
My love for you will never fade away.”
Thank You Jesus, my love.
Psalm 60
My dear Lord,
I need Your mercy this day
Lord, where will I go without Your mercy
What will I do if You turn Your face
Away from me.
Lord, in Your mercy
Have compassion upon me
I am so very lost
Your mercy is all I need.
Lord, this day
When I praise Your name
Please accept my willing worship
I give it to you
From within my heart
Let it be a fragrance at Your holy throne.
Thank You, Lord,
For Your smile.
Psalm 61
In the body of Christ
We are one.
In the Spirit of God
We have unity.
The Spirit will enable
Every nation, creed, tongue and language
To come together in the name
Of the Lord our God almighty.
He lives in our praises
Deep in our hearts
He blesses us with His
Great outpouring of grace and compassion.
Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Psalm 62
My dear God
I want to thank You for this day
My Savior, You have brought me out
Of the storm of my life.
In all of my difficulties
You have been very close to me
You did not rebuke me
Yet You showered Your mercy
Upon me this day.
Please forgive me for what I have done,
My Lord,
It is not my desire
Yet I was left with no choice.
Lord, I thank You for keeping me
Safe in this hard time.
I praise You, my Lord.
Psalm 63
The Lord, with His great compassion,
Has been with me.
When I was weak and sickly
He did not abandon me
He was with me
And poured out His spirit of strength upon me.
He walked ahead of me
Yet, He kept me close to Him.
His hands were always on me
Holding me with great care
Just to make sure that I stand.
Lord, how much can I praise You?
Your mercies for me never end
In all ways, You are with me.
You are very patient with me
Though I am slow in every aspect.
Yet, You wait unwearyingly for me.
I thank You, my dear Lord.
Psalm 64
My dear Jesus,
Like a child I cry & call upon You.
I was away from You for some time
But I have not forgotten You, Dear Lord.
Forgive me for my timidity
To face reality with You
But, Lord….I know
You are ever loving and faithful
With open arms
You still welcome me.
When I say I am sorry, my God
I have not done right, I confess
Guide my way
So that I’ll be perfect
Like You in every way.
This I pray.
Psalm 65
You have given so much
And You are still giving.
We are so very ignorant
How we can miss the gift
Of our Lord Jesus Christ?
Father God, I pray this day
That my eyes be opened
That my ears hear
Let me be able to see
And walk in accordance to Your will.
Lord, I pray
Let there be no deviation from Your will
In the kingdom of God on earth.
Let everything come together, my Lord
The nations are waiting for You.
Come quickly, O Prince of peace
The True and Faithful One.
Psalm 66
Blessed Savior, Redeemer and King
I am very amazed at Your love.
My Lord, Your love conquers all
Nothing in this world can be compared
My King is very high and exalted.
You are the King of heaven and earth
All authority is under You
You reign in majesty forever
Everything on earth which has life
Will praise Your holy name.
You show mercy even to the wicked
When they repent,
You take their sins far away
Cleanse and wash them with Your love.
My Jesus, your mercy upon me
I can never count the numbers
You always forgive me, even when I’m wrong
And Your love for me is ever true.
Psalm 67
I can spend all the days of my life
By giving praises to You
With thanksgiving and worship
But…..it won’t be enough for what
You have done for me.
Lord….how can I thank you more?
You are so precious and great
A wonderful God with great compassion
Who is able to love unconditionally
But You alone, O Lord?
Your desire is to see the nations
Turn to You
Lord….let me be Your vessel fit for Your use
To bring many sons and daughters into Your kingdom.
Psalm 68
My Lord, I want to thank You
For touching my life with Your grace
You brought me out of my chains
And You set me free by Your blood.
My Lord, I thank You for giving me
The real understanding in my thoughts
You have taken away all my confusion
And You have blessed me with a sound mind
No one, or any powers of darkness,
Can ever rule my life!
My Lord, You are the ruler of my life
You have authority over me forever.
I bless Your name
Truly, You are the supreme God!
Psalm 69
With Your love alone
I can sail boldly
I will go around
And share Your love
To all the needy.
In Your perfect ways
Lord….You have touched my life
In Your perfect ways
I want to touch others with Your love.
Let their hearts
Be a fertile ground
For Your Word to grow.
Lord….I am eagerly waiting
For that day
When the whole world
Knows that You are God,
The one and only Who has all power
In Your hands.
Psalm 70
Each day I am strengthened
By the strength of Christ
I will always remember
That my Lord stands strong
When I am in my weakest moments.
He lifts me up
With His Spirit of Love
His ministry is very simple
Just love.
His love alone saves me
His gentle words
Fall deeply in my heart.
It is very easy to hate
But, it is very difficult to love
Yet….my Lord can love
A wretch such as me.
My Lord, You are a wonderfully great God
Psalm 71
Your showers of grace
I love to embrace
Your divine Spirit
I desire in my heart
All the days of my life
I will call upon Your name
And I will proclaim
You are the one and only Savior.
I yearn to be in Your presence
I long to be with You
Each of my heart beats
Calls upon your name, Jesus Christ
You gave me Your life
So that I may lead a life of truth
You brought me out of the bondage of slavery
You blow Your Spirit upon me
My soul is overwhelmed with Your passion
Many are the words of mockers upon me
But my heart shall not worry
For Your words are like oil on my wounds
So soothing and healing
I love You, my Jesus.
Psalm 72
I will rejoice this day
When I cry and call on my Lord
He knows my anxious heart
Lord, when I said
Touch me, minister to me
With Your great, highly exalted hands
You touched me with all Your love
You told me
Blessed are the poor in spirit
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven
Lord, in abundance You pour out Your Spirit
Upon me today
Lord, when I said I need Your comfort
You told me
Blessed are those who mourn
For they will be comforted
My Jesus, these are not just words for me
They are pure jewels for me on my head
I will take them and I will hold them
Close to my heart
For those words are words of my Master
Who is truly humble and gentle.
Your love for me I love
Truly….You are “True and Faithful.”
Thank You, my Jesus, You are my love
You are my “Everything.”
Psalm 73
Lord, I pray this day
For more of Your mercy and grace
Upon this world, upon your people
Forgive us for our ignorance
Let the sky part
Let there be a great trumpet call
Let Your holy angels come
And let us all see
Our Lord Jesus Christ
Coming in glory and highly exalted
Come and take us all with You
Bind Satan in his own pit of hell
Let no one go with him, O Lord
Save us, our God and Savior.
The world is anxiously waiting
For Your return
Most of all, I am waiting
Each day my heart is growing in anticipation
Waiting for my Master’s return.
Psalm 74
The God of abundance
I give You all my praises
For You deserve all the glory
You stand in majesty
When my God gives
He gives in abundance
Very freely to all
Who are seeking.
He is a God
With so much love
He sees everyone
In His eyes of love.
How I adore You, my God
The God of truth
Will never forsake His children.
When I pray
And call His name,
Abba, Father
He is ever-willing
To hear me at all times.
What a privilege He has given me
Praise be to the Lord only.
Psalm 75
The beauty of Your face
The glory of Your presence
The strength of Your hand
The love of Your heart
The wonders of Your wisdom.
I will forever marvel.
Jesus has died for me
Jesus has risen for me
Jesus is coming back for me.
My Jesus
In You I grow
In body, mind, soul and spirit.
You are the seed of my life
I You I am safe.
Psalm 76
I am so blessed in the Lord
He has given me such privilege
To call upon His name anytime.
In times of trouble
Without hesitation
He comes to my aid.
In times of joy
With open arms
He draws close to me.
Not even one day in my life
Has my Lord turned His face from me
He watches over me continually
Because of His love for me.
What a gift my Lord has given me
My God is a God of love
He has given to me that gift of love
And I will share that love with others.
Merciful God – You are truly a God of miracles.
Psalm 77
Two thousand years ago
My savior came to this world
He has given me the victory
Even two thousand years ago
My Savior suffered for my sins and….
Rescued me from my world of bondage
My blessed Savior has given me
The keys in my hands
In His name
I have power and authority
My Jesus us a wonderful God
Who can ever measure His great sacrifice?
Victory is all I have seen
In Jesus name
My God is very faithful
To all who call upon His name
He will never forsake
Any of His beloved
He is my Father
And it gives me such joy
To call Him “Abba.”
My Lord, my King and Savior
Reveal to all nations
That You are the true God!
Let every creature on earth
Proclaim that Jesus is Lord
And only Jesus Christ, Son of God
Receives all glory and honor
None other but only Jesus.
Hallelujah! Amen.
Psalm 78
In the wilderness of my life
I came to know my Lord
My Lord in His great mercy
Came into my life
And showered me with His love
My Savior is an omnipresent God
Wherever I go
Whatever I do
He is always present with me
I can boldly call on His name
And he shall answer me
He is my only counselor
He knows all my weaknesses
Yet He never grows weary of me
At all times
He strengthens me with His Spirit
In abundance He gives His utmost love
And freely I shall receive it.
My Jesus, my Master
You are so humble and gentle
Even when you have all authority under You
All angels bow before You
And yet You never fail to show mercy upon me.
My Redeemer, I thank You
And I praise You, my Jesus
I love You, my Lord.
Psalm 79
My Father in heaven
You have been the God of our forefathers
You brought them out of their dungeon
And led them to their promised land
You were with them at all times
And You are the God
Who healed them.
With Your great hands
You parted the seas
To save Your people
You fed them with manna in the desert
And you gave water from the rock
My God, everything is possible in Your name.
You are such a great God
My God, my Savior
Who holds my future
Though the days ahead of me
Are yet unseen
Yet, I believe in my God
To whom I surrender my life
He will guide my steps
To Him, where is my true home.
Psalm 80
To You I will say
My blessed Savior and Redeemer
Let me not desire anything of this world
But let me desire You alone
Let me not seek anything from anyone
But let me seek from You alone
Let me not draw closer to anything of this world
But let me draw closer to You alone
Let me not find comfort elsewhere
But let me find comfort from you alone
Let me not be attracted by human love
But let me be attracted by Your love alone.
Only You, my dear Lord
Can give me all my desires
Only You can love me
At all times
Each day
You bless me with fresh new love!
(Psalms 81-160)
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