But the enemy wasn't through harassing me. While I was looking for employment in the Oakland area, it was suggested I apply for unemployment benefits. When the state granted my request, my former employer appealed on the basis I had been terminated for "insubordination." After re-interviewing me and examining the material supplied from my personnel file by my former employer, the State turned the appeal down with the ruling: "...Information on file indicates that the claimant's action resulted from an isolated mistake or good-faith error in judgment rather than a deliberate disregard of your best interests. It must therefore be considered that the discharge was for reasons other than misconduct in connection with the work." (When I read this I rejoiced. God is undertaking for me, I thought. Whoever wrote that ruling must have had God-given insight into the situation.) But my former employer was given the option to appeal this ruling, and they did, and a hearing was scheduled in Oakland before a judge. Their lawyers' contention was "that the claimant was discharged for good cause...for insubordination. The claimant willfully displayed inappropriate behavior. He was aware of his unprofessional conduct from prior warnings and counseling sessions. He intentionally continued his unbecoming conduct even after a final warning...." So even though I was pleasantly surprised and gratified by the State's ruling given above (I felt it expressed exactly what indeed was the case), I was flabbergasted by what the lawyers wrote and could not relate to it in the least. In fact, the charges in it reminded me of the false charges made by my ex-wife in the restraining order she had served me when I had tried to reconcile with her several years earlier. I subsequently contacted Christians to pray about the situation and informed some of the residents of the senior retirement center and asked their advice about the upcoming hearing. The enemy's plans were foiled however, and my former employer's lawyers decided to drop their appeal. The unemployment benefits were begun, but not for long as I found a job doing telemarketing for an AT&T aggregator in SF. So I breathed a sigh of relief that the ordeal had at last ended.
And I was able to settle into the regimen of the SOS household. In addition to their weekly outreaches, each summer SOS had a week of daily concentrated training and outreach. The intent of it was to train those interested in the street evangelism through lectures and practical exposure to witnessing on the streets. A church would make its facilities available for sleeping purposes (sleeping bags on the floor). The participants (who came both from local areas and other parts of the US) would be divided into teams with leaders and daily taken out onto the streets. So it was both training and evangelistic outreach.
After some time working the phones for the aggregator in SF, I found a better job working as a courier of a medical lab - visiting doctors' offices, picking up specimens, delivering supplies, etc. I did that for the rest of the seven years I remained in Oakland.
In either '93 or '94, I somehow came to the decision it would be good to revisit the site of my trip into the Sierras twenty years previous. It never occurred to me that I wasn't really in shape to be doing such a thing (of course, I hadn't been "in shape" in '72 either - but my body was not "over the hill" as it was now). In any case, I just felt such an excitement of "adventure" that I went right ahead and purhased hiking boots, tent etc. and rented a backpack. There had been news accounts of attacks by cougars on humans close to civilization so I also purchased a snub-nosed .357 caliber revolver and took a week's course on firearms at a local shooting range. I made arrangements for a week's vacation and when the time came, off I went. I had purchased maps of the area I wanted to go into, so I rented a car & drove first to one likely spot, then re-considered that and drove to another spot. There I parked, and began my hike into the wilderness. It seemed that in the intervening twenty years there were no more roads than there had been when I'd made my initial adventure. I finally did make it to the lake that I'd had trouble getting to before, but it was so changed that I didn't recognize it - and so passed it by. It was named "Frog Lake," and that name had been appropriate before as it had been full of those little critters. In fact, I'd tried spearing a few of them to eat. It hadn't been worth the effort, but now there was no life visible in the lake at all - it was just desolate and uninviting. I hiked on to another lake and settled there. There were some other campers on a small peninsula, so I went off to another side of the lake. Somehow that night I became terribly disoriented and lost, and spent the whole night wandering around in search of my camp. When I stumbled across the other campers again, I called out to them for the loan of a flashlight, then when they gave me one I went off in search of my camp. I spent the whole night searching for my camp, the flashlight batteries finally giving out. At one point I even fell into a pit, but was not hurt - praise the Lord! When it became daylight and I finally found my camp, I sank down in gratitude on the ground in my sleeping bag and slept fitfully. After a few hours, one of the other campers came to talk with me. When I returned the flashlight, they told me that I had actually gone off in the opposite direction from my camp the night before. I was amazed at that and considered how fortunate I had been - again due to God's merciful protection inspite of my foolishness - that I had not only not perished, but - despite stumbling over boulders and such and falling into the pit - I had not been harmed during my night's wandering. As I sat talking with the other campers, I considered my situation, and came to the conclusion I could not possibly make it back to where my car was parked in time to report for my job. In fact, my physical condition was weakening to the point where there was a question whether I would be able to hike back at all. Since the other campers had packed in and were expecting the pack horsees to be brought back soon, I asked if they would request help for me when they returned to the pack station. They consulted among themselves and decided that two of them would hike back to the station on foot - thus freeing two horses, one for me to ride back on. When we finally reached the station after quite a long ride (including a narrow stretch by a drop of several hundred feet), one of the campers insisted on giving me a ride back to my car, still some twenty miles away. My heavenly Father had protected and provided for me again, in spite of my foolishness. Praise His wondrous name!
During the '80s, I reflected at times on all the people I'd known the first thirty-four years of my life before I became a Christian, and how I would have like to have been able to be a witness to them for Jesus. I thought, wouldn't it be neat if God would take me back to sometime in my childhood, knowing what I know now about the reality of a relationship with Jesus Christ, so I could actually witness to all those people I knew (including of course my family). But God had another way of answering my prayer. He opened the door for me to attend the 40th reunion of my graduating high school class in October, 1993. There I did get the opportunity to share my faith, but there were a few surprises also. One was renewing a relationship with a school-chum I used to play with in grammar school. It turned out that he is a messianic Jew and gave me a testimony about his walk with Jesus that stood my hair on end! While there I also met old acquaintances I knew while attending the local Methodist church in high school and college, and received an invitation from one to visit them. I did this, and found that though the whole family attends the Methodist Church (has done so faithfully for decades), and sings in the church choir as we did back during High school days, her "bottom line" for reality is science and religion - the Bible to them is full of "myths and legends!" At another later general reunion of all the alumni at my old high school, I met a woman I had known through school starting back at the first grade! I had a very enjoyable time with her and her family, but when I tried to talk about Jesus with her, she cut me off sharply by telling me, "I was baptized as a baby." Sorry, but that does not gain you admittance to God's heaven - only belief on Jesus, God's Son, does! (Acts 16:31; Eph. 2:8)
In the spring of 1995, God took me on an amazing walk of faith - perhaps the hardest I have yet encountered. One day, I realized memories were suddenly flooding in on me concerning Patty, the young woman I had known in Washington, D.C. back in 1958 when I was stationed with the Army at Ft. Holabird in Baltimore, Md. The memories involved the feelings I had upon receiving her letter breaking off our relationship after I moved to California and was stationed at the Army Language School (later the Defense Language Institute) in Monterey. I had no idea why all of a sudden totally "out of the blue" these feelings suddenly overwhelmed me, as if they were fresh from the receipt of her letter back in '58. I had no contact with her at all during these years, so had no idea whether she was dead or alive or what her situation was. As I sought the Lord for understanding, it came to my mind that she had been one of the those whom I had asked the Lord to "cross my path" with in order to apologize for spurning what she had tried so lovingly and humbly to tell me about the reality of God and Jesus Christ. In any case, it seemed that the Lord was pointing me in the direction of making contact with her again, so I began prayerfully making plans. As I did so, I claimed Rev. 3:7 and asked the Lord to either "close" or "open" doors according to His will as I walked forward in faith in the direction He had indicated. The first thing I did was to enquire about flights to D.C., and then to apply for a week's vacation in May. Not very much time to find someone I had not seen or had contact with for 37 years, but if God wanted it done - it would be done. Daily I prayed as I drove on my job, and my mind went off in many directions, wondering what situation Patty would be in when I found her, speculating concerning the possibilities. Differentiating between this and the Lord's voice was not easy as I was so emotionally involved in the possibility of seeing her again after so long a time.
Finally the time came for me to fly to D.C., which I did, arriving on a weekend. After getting settled into a local inexpensive hotel, I immediately began my search. Initially I rented a car, and with a list of the churches of the denomination I remembered my friend had been a member of, began visiting them, hoping to recognize the one I attended at her invite in '58, thinking perhaps I could gain some information about her whereabouts there. It turned out to be fruitless, and when I did finally find her, she told me that her church had disbanded many years previous and the building where it had been located was now an office building. I also had a list of phone numbers of people with her maiden name that I was phoning in hopes of finding a relative that could help me locate her. But she told me later that there were no relatives in D.C. itself - only in surrounding states - so that proved fruitless as well. I did research at the library, and found the address of her parent's home where she had lived when I had known her. When I mentioned her parents' names to the current owners, they told me they knew nothing of their whereabouts. On Tuesday of my vacation, I decided I might prayerfully try the option of hiring a private detective to help. Looking in the Yellow Pages and making some phone calls, I decided to focus on one particular agency. Upon making contact with the owner on Wednesday, he decided to take my case personally after hearing it, and taking in hand the information I had developed at the library, he began to compare it with information he had on a computer CD. One of the names he developed this way turned out to be Patty's aunt, and phoning her house we found she was not at home so left a message. While the detective agency owner and I conversed, she returned the call. The detective answered the phone and then handed it to me. I found that the aunt was a very friendly lady, and when I explained that I wanted to find her niece to apologize to her and why, she gave me Patty's phone number and address. We then called the phone number given us, and a man answered the phone. It turned out to be Patty's husband. I explained to him that I wanted to make contact with his wife and why. He took my name and the phone number of the hotel at which I was staying and told me she would call me that evening, which she indeed did. Patty promptly invited me to be her "house guest" for the remainder of the week at her home. After hanging up the phone, and consulting the Yellow Pages, I found an airline that could provide me with a round-trip flight to the city in which my friend lived. Then, breathing a sigh of relief and rejoicing that the Lord had again done the "impossible," I phoned my sister in Ohio (who all this time had been providing welcome encouragement) and simply said, "Bingo!"
I arrived slightly the worse for wear, Patty greeted me at the airport, and we immediately began becoming re-acquainted. We talked and talked, she showed me around town and we played miniature golf. The "Jesus March" took place locally at that time as well as nationally and we followed the marchers in her car till they ended at a local high school sports field. But I understood that though the Lord was honoring my request to have the opportunity to apologize to her (which she graciously accepted), He had me there for His reasons as well. I had observed, while talking with her husband over the phone, that he was not saved. So she did not have the spiritual leadership he needed to provide her, nor the "covering" that would bring. She told me that her parents had both died soon after our relationship had dissolved in '59, and her church had ceased to exist soon after that. She had never attended a church since then, which greatly surprised me as she had been avidly involved in her church when I had known her previously. So she had been missing that "covering" as well. Further, in seeking healing for a very sick friend she had become involved in the occult world of Edgar Cayce. I urged her to find a church that would provide proper fellowship and spiritual help to her (and suggested joining a woman's prayer group). Upon returning back to Oakland I wrote her some letters expressing what I felt was the mind of the Lord concerning the above subjects, plus sending her a copy of Johanna Michaelson's book, "The Beautiful Side of Evil." The latter dealt with the author's experiences in the occult, and I pointed my friend toward what the book had to say in warning about Cayce. I also wrote a letter to her husband, telling him of his need to be born again and make Jesus Christ his Lord, and to provide proper spiritual leadership for his wife. I remarked to Patty in parting how interesting it was that so many years ago I was the one who needed to be ministered to, and now the roles seemed reversed. But God also brought something else to my attention of which I had not been previously aware. He showed me that He had me involved three times previously in marital situations where the wife was a believer and the husband was either unsaved or back-slidden. In the two cases where he was unsaved, I saw him become born-again. In one of those situations, he became radically involved in God's kingdom. In the other case, I personally prayed with the husband as he invited Christ into his life. The back-slidden husband I saw recommit himself to his marriage, and begin to submit himself to God's leading. I was amazed when God showed me these things he had used me in that I had not at the time been aware of, and I glorified Him.
After returning to the west coast, the Lord one day spoke to me about Washington, D.C. as He had about San Francisco. As He had given me a vision in 1983 regarding San Francisco (a vision that left me crying out for its inhabitants), so God also gave me one in 1995 for Washington, D.C. "I weep over this city as I wept over Jerusalem," He told me. This is discussed in more depth in God's Impending Judgment of America. I felt the Lord's pain and sadness concerning this city, and wept also. But I became immersed in the regimen of evangelization of San Francisco that was the main burden of the house that I shared with the other members of SOS. The "City" (as it was referred to by its inhabitants) had diverse areas in it that we would take turns visiting. There was the annual Chinatown parade, and we would spend most of that day and evening preaching and handing out tracts to the crowds of spectators attending that colorful event. There was also an annual "Gay Pride Parade," but we would usually prefer not to attend that as it was a very volatile situation, instead choosing periodically to visit the Castro St. area where the militant homosexuals lived. There we did not openly preach as we did at other sites because of the hostility of the "Gays" to the Gospel. Rather we more quietly passed out tracts along the sidewalks and spoke individually to whomever we could. I found that if I visited that area alone, the intense noxiousness of the Castro district became quickly overwhelming to me, so I restricted my time there to when we went as a team. We would also visit the section where the strip clubs were located, and that was initially of some concern to me because I had many years previously gone there as an unbeliever in my college days and knew that because of my prior involvement with the "Playboy" world of scantily clad women I might have problems witnessing. But I found that God provided sufficient grace, and being covered by prayer and a member of a "team," I could talk with the women outside the clubs easily and not be affected by their state of undress.
During the day on Saturday, we would often meet on the City's main street near a tram "turnaround," located by local stores and the subway where there were always crowds of people and there we would preach, hand out tracts, etc. Sometimes we would go over to Union Square a few blocks away where there were benches for people to sit on and set up a stage there for a visiting group to sing while we did our witnessing. Then there was Polk St., where the runaway kids congregated - just young teenagers, selling their bodies for drugs and food. It was heart-rending to see them play "hop-scotch" on the sidewalk in front of the local shops as if they were kids in front of their parents homes. But try to talk to them about Jesus and give them tracts and they would react demonically, spitting on us and burning our tracts. A local PBS TV station had done a story about one of the boys that had come there some years before from Walnut Creek, a picturesque town across the bay. His parents had a very nice house in a good section of town. He spent some time being part of the life on Polk St. before he finally returned to his parents' house. The garbage man, making his rounds soon after, found the boy had hanged himself from a tree in the parkway in front of the house. Of course there was also the infamous Haight-Ashbury district with its attempts at recapturing the '60s lifestyle. But the pathos here was as touching as Polk St. Then there was the "Mission District," a section of the City so tough the police did not like going into it as it was ruled by gangs and killings were frequent. I remember one evening when we went there, I began talking with a pimp and one of his girls. He suddenly stuck his face close to mine and in a very ugly manner told me, "I have a piece in my pocket with a bullet with your name on it." I had not the slightest doubt that he was telling me the truth, but since I had settled in my heart many years before the priority of the Gospel, I just said to myself with a certain excitement of anticipation that arose in me in such situations, "I might be with the Lord in the next five minutes," and continued to talk to him about Jesus and his need to be saved with a smile on my face. When he saw that I was not fazed by what he had said, his expression changed and he conversed with me for some time before finally leaving.
San Francisco is a very hard place to evangelize in. I would not recommend it for those who have not had much experience in street-witnessing except for the very excellent training that the SOS annual summer outreach provides. It is a very "hard-nosed" city and has had a number of "warnings" through visitations by God's people and the earthquakes the City has suffered. The set of mind is a very good example of what Jesus said in Matt. 24:37-39: "For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days which were before the flood they were eating and drinking, they were marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so shall the coming of the Son of Man be." It is not an easy thing to stand for hours trying to communicate with the many people that pass by with little visible results. But there are those who do respond, and they are certainly worth the effort. I remember the homosexual who remained for hours one afternoon and evening with us, weeping very real tears of frustration because he felt he was so bound by his sin that he could not possibly succeed in being freed from it. But as we spoke to him of God's power to deliver even from what appeared to be the worst of bondages, and he saw and received the ministry that we were involved in that evening, he finally let God do the work that was necessary in his life and left us with joy in his heart. But of course, intense follow-up is necessary in such cases and we had subsequently to work with him to make sure that he was able to leave his sinful surroundings and become part of a church body that would help him continue successfully in his new-found life with Jesus. There seems to be no sin that places its prisoner in worse bondage than sexual sin. The demonic hold is such that it is exceedingly hard to be delivered from, taking much effort at prayer, fasting and discipleship to do so. Spirit-filled fellowship can be a key element in deliverance, but of course necessitates a proper attitude of love and transparency be displayed.
But I must say that I found San Francisco to be the hardest of all the places I have been in (in the "free" world) to evangelize. The spiritual struggle is exceedingly intense there. The homosexuals involved in the administration of the city are very influential, and I am told their flag flies above city hall. The enemy is well-entrenched in San Francisco, and it is my conclusion that individuals will continue to be brought into the "Ark" of salvation as long as God keeps the door open, but the City itself will never repent and will instead perish. When God finally brought me there in 1992, I asked Him to verify the vision He had given my in '83 by confirmation through visions also given by Him to others, and He did that.
In September, '95 the opportunity to exchange living quarters with another brother presented itself and he and his wife took my place in the SOS household while I moved into the apartment his family had formerly occupied - the "Shiloh Hilton," an apartment building filled mostly with Christians who attended the nearby Shiloh Christian Fellowship Church. I was glad to move out of the SOS house as I felt it was restricting my progress in my walk with God. Nevertheless from time to time I joined the SOS members in their street ministry. In '97, I flew to Ohio to attend the wedding of my nephew, Donnie, who had been born-again the previous Thanksgiving following an intense spiritual struggle. That story is told on my site at God Answers Prayer, along with the account of an encounter I had with a certain Chinese lady.
The daytime job I had found in '92 (working as a courier of a medical lab) that succeeded my position in telemarketing was running into problems. There was a co-worker who was arrogantly causing most everyone trouble, especially me, but over the many months we were both there I saw God change that situation thankfully in response to prayer to where we became quite friendly. There was another very attractive Jewish atheist (oxymoron!) co-worker with whom I talked quite often about God. She came back one time from a week's vacation and told me she had been down to the Los Angeles area with other Jewish atheist friends celebrating Passover! I couldn't keep myself from bursting out in laughter at the contradictions apparent in that statement, and she smiled too. I listened as she tried to explain their thinking behind doing that, then told her the historical source for the Passover was the Bible, and God had ordained it. Of course, the Jews only exist as a people because God separated them out unto Himself. Anyway, she allowed me to give her a Bible then, for which I rejoiced.
But the company itself was proving to have the worst management problems I had ever encountered, the "reins changing hands" several times during the few years I was there. It became apparent that this was also reflected at the various clinics. The problem became so troublesome that it was soon apparent to me that God's hand of judgment was on the company and I began stating that to other employees. Then a letter by the company president was released to the employees concerning that fact that the company was being charged with defrauding the Welfare Department by the US Government. I wrote a letter to the company president which stated in part, "As a courier with Meris.....for the last 4½ years, I have done my best to serve our clients' needs. Your memorandum.......saddened, distressed and disgusted me. It is obvious there are persons in Meris management who have engaged in illegal activities and should apparently be in prison, but remain free because of the payment of a $5.2 million bribe..... Meris management seems characterized by foolish decisions......One can only wonder whether Meris management was thinking of their 'professional image' when they engaged in the illegal activities described in your......memorandum.....It reminds me of the story of 'The Emperor's New Clothes.' Meris management think themselves qualified to hold their couriers accountable, yet obviously cannot provide a good example through their own actions. It's a case of 'Do what I say, not what I do.' Who holds Meris management accountable? Obviously, the state and federal governments. Which is also sadly laughable. A case of the pot calling the kettle black." In a few days I received this reply from the company president: "Thank you for your recent letter. As a recent hire as President and CEO of Meris, I too am bothered by the past business practices of Meris.....I can assure you that we have implemented a corporate compliance program which monitors all business activities. This will ensure that current and future activities will be conducted in a proper manner....." Unfortunately, whatever "program" was "implemented" was a case of "too little too late" and it also became apparent to me that Meris would go bankrupt and out of business, and again I told other employees this would be the case and it proved true.
So the company changed hands in 1998 and I was among those kept on by the new employers. I worked there for several months before it became apparent to me that the situation was getting very troublesome for me. I very much needed a vacation to rest and recuperate, but was not allowed to have one. As a matter of fact, my vacation leave was at its maximum and unless I took it I would lose it. So in the summer of '99 I examined the possibility of an early retirement under Social Security benefits (I was 64). I had received an invitation to rent a room in the house of a sister-in-Christ in Madisonville, KY, so I prayerfully "knocked" on these doors and the Lord orchestrated the (1) resignation from my job, (2) successful application for retirement SS benefits and (3) move to Kentucky within a very short time. A new chapter in my life had begun with a major change from the classification of "employed" to "retired." Also a very well appreciated change from hectic big-city life to small town. Ah, peace and quiet - a place where I could sleep without the earplugs I had grown accustomed to using every night in Oakland.
I arrived in Madisonville the end of August and stayed there till June of the following year. During that time I became part of a local small but vibrant and lovingly involved church. I especially appreciated the weekly home Bible studies nearby (both the church and the Bible studies were within a five-ten minute walk of where I lived). We were once also surprised by a visit from the a local newspaper and an impromptu interview concerning the "10 Commandments" sign posted on our front lawn for passers-by to see. During my stay there, we found that another of the residents of our house presented particular problems that - because of their very personal nature - are better kept private. Nevertheless, the situation involved with this person became such that first she, then I, had to move out of the house. But since my nephew and his wife in West Virginia had been praying for some time for the Lord to bring me to their area, that's where I next wound up. However, while that was developing , so was the possibility of a trip overseas sponsored by the mission I had worked for twenty years ago. When I shared the details of the proposed trip with my friends online, two of them surprised me by contributing equal amounts of money independent of one another! So as I made plans to move from Madisonville, Ky to Huntington, WV - I also had to make plans to make a major month-long trip into eastern Europe involving traveling in ten countries! This "retirement" thing was turning out to be more involved than I had thought!
In all the moving that I had done over the years, this was the first time that a move and a simultanelously planned mission trip had nothing to do with each other. Though additional stress was involved because of that fact, and the enemy tried his best of course to upset our plans, both the move and the trip were accomplished. My sister and her husband drove me to the airport. From there I flew to London, where I was met first by a mission coworker and then the director of the mission. We stayed at the local mission branch, picking up another passenger. Then we made the channel crossing from Dover to Calais, France on a hovercraft (sorry, I didn't take a photo of it). We visited another mission branch in France to pick up supplies and we packed our van and took off, making stops in Belgium (mission branch) and Germany (mission branch). Then we travelled through Poland to Ukraine, where we spent some time in various places, including Lvov, Kiev and Odessa. Finally (after much hassle by the enemy) we exited into Moldava (where we dropped off some material at a printer's office), then into Romania (where again we made several stops). Then we crossed through Hungary, Austria and into Germany. I requested to be dropped off in Luxembourg, from where I caught the train to Paris. From there I flew back to the US, where my sister and her husband met me and put me up (or put up with me) for a time before I moved into Huntington, WV. The mission trip was largely humanitarian as we visited orphanages, prisons, street children ministries, etc. leaving supplies where we were able. In Paris, however, my wallet was stolen - just a day or so before I was due to fly back to the US. So the enemy caused some hassle, but nothing major. God got the victory! 8-)
One of the most amazing things that has transpired after I was born-again in '69, was God crossing my path with young women who it turned out seemed to need an older man (a "father image") to talk with. One of them was the wife of a friend with whom I had stayed in Monterey, CA that I told about previously who had thanked me for talking with her - as her own father (who lived nearby) would not. That surprised me, but when a young woman suddenly started talking with me after a Bible study about problems with her own father, I realized God was having me involved in something new. As she talked, I realized how the enemy could intervene in these situations and so claimed the blood of Jesus, asking God to have sovereign control in order that whatever He wanted to accomplish would not be interfered with either by my flesh or the enemy's wiles. Over the subsequent years, these meetings were kept holy before the Lord as I talked with the women with whom God would cross my path.
It semmed only natural that I would come to desire having a daughter of my own. One day, sitting in a fast-food restaurant in Berkeley, I noticed some young women sitting nearby eating and simply remarked, "Lord, I sure would like a daughter," leaving the particulars in His capable hands. Several years later, in 2001 - after I had moved to West Virginia, I began receiving emails from a young woman who lived in Malaysia and had seen my posting in Christian Pen Pals. She decided she wanted me to be the father for whom she had desparately cried out to God. Her name is Hanah and I have placed her testimony online. Our relationship has blossomed into such a close bond as we have come to love each other very deeply. She travelled from Malaysia to visit me for 3 months starting October, 2003. In January, 2004, I travelled to Malaysia to visit 3 months with her family. I again visited Hanah and her family in Malaysia during the first four months of 2005.
And so the story and adventures will continue on - eternally........
"They Told Me I Could Not Run..."
(Testimony of my God-daughter Hanah)